Lease Opportunity - Dromore House East Park Shannon Co Clare

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For Lease
Dromore House 
East Park | Shannon | Co Clare
Dromore House East Park
Shannon Co Clare
Dromore House is a modern detached  four storey office building.  Occupiers in the building include Intel, Digital River and Wipro. The available accommodation to let is on the top floor and extends to a net internal area of approximately 863 sq m (9,289 sq ft). There is a very generous allocation of 42  car-parking spaces. The space has been recently refurbished to an excellent standard and is fully fitted /ready to go. 
Key Highlights 
Excellent Location
Modern fully fitted office space
9,289 Sq.ft. (NIA)
Ample car-parking spaces
For more information, please contact:
+353 87 1653908
Lic. 001528-003513

CBRE: Connought House, 3rd Floor One Burlington Road, Dublin, , Ireland


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